Sodium element
Sodium element

sodium element

Students will usually immediately respond that sodium is found in salt and seawater. Typically this is presented to the students not on the first day of school but it is done within the first two weeks. The sodium program is necessarily brief but must be interesting so that it does not appear dull when compared to the chemical magic that was just presented.

sodium element

Second, the sodium demonstrations are usually conducted as a follow up to a “first day of school” chemical magic 1 show designed to stimulate curiosity and interest. The sodium discussion and demonstrations are used as a vehicle to introduce the program to the students. First, the students have not had an opportunity to engage in the Element of the Month program yet or to prepare a poster. Sodium is a special case of the Element of the Month program for two reasons. We start the Element of the Month program at the start of the school year in September with a discussion of sodium.

sodium element

Read The Element of the Month - An Introduction for an overview of the project and links to the other articles in the series." - Editor Folger (MRF), chemistry teacher (now retired) at Lyme – Old Lyme High School in Connecticut. Wright (SWW), Associate Research Fellow at Pfizer Inc., and Marsha R.

#Sodium element series

"In honor of the International Year of the Periodic Table this series of articles details the Element of the Month project developed by Stephen W. The pure metal is priced at $25 for every 100 gram. The human body contains around 100 grams of sodium.The metal is soft enough to be cut with the edge of a coin.Low sodium foods include frozen lamb, eggs, uncanned dry peas and beans, low sodium peanut butter, etc. Foods high in sodium are canned fish, meat, entrees, beans, salted nuts, etc. Any extra sodium may be harmful and cause high blood pressure and other ailments. An average person intakes 10 grams of salt a day though the recommended daily sodium intake (RDA) is just 3 grams. Human beings usually get the required sodium from their food. Na is essential to all living beings as it is vital for the maintenance of different functions of the body. Sodium vapor used in streetlights gives off a brilliant yellow light.Sodium carbonate, another sodium salt, is also known as washing soda and is used as a water softener.It also finds application as a feedstock in the chemical industry. Common salt or sodium chloride is added to food to enhance its taste and as a de-icing agent for roads in winter. Its salts have more uses than the metal itself.As a reagent in the chemical industry.As a heat exchanger in nuclear reactors.Lewis Dot Structure for Sodium Sodium Uses If a small piece of Na is dropped into ethanol, it reacts steadily releasing bubbles of hydrogen gas leaving behind a colorless solution of sodium ethoxide. It dissolves readily in dilute sulphuric acid. It reacts vigorously with all the halogens (chlorine, fluorine, etc.) forming sodium halides. During the exothermic reaction, the metal may become so hot that it may catch fire and burn with an orange-colored flame. Sodium reacts rapidly with water to produce a colorless solution of sodium hydroxide (a base) and hydrogen gas. When burnt in air (oxygen), it forms white sodium peroxide and sodium oxide. Besides that, it has 16 synthetic, radioactive isotopes with known half-lives.

sodium element

Naturally occurring Na is its most stable isotope with mass number 23. Sodium (pronunciation SO-dee-em ), represented by the chemical symbol or formula Na, is a soft, malleable element belonging to the family of alkali metals.

  • Properties and Characteristics of Sodium.

  • Sodium element